By: Sherrilene Classen, PhD

Imagine a world where you are so present that you recognize your dreams and your unique talents as sacred gifts, bestowed upon ONLY you to be used for the upliftment and invigoration of yourself and others. Imagine a Universe where you are integrated into a vast field of Consciousness – and from this unending, abounding, and astounding energy, you draw resources for your life to fulfill your purpose, with passion, every day.
Imagine how it feels to be connected to your higher self, which is characterized by wholeness, fulness, and access to the infinite wisdom of the Universe. This connection allows you to let go of limiting thoughts and opens a surge of power that enables you to be fueled by creative possibilities. You feel free to use your Sage powers— i.e., to empathize, explore, innovate, navigate, and activate – and in so doing, accessing life’s possibilities with all of their potentialities. You are now positioned to manifest your incredible strengths, talents, and gifts, with ease and confidence—just like taking a breath—easily and confidently.
And as you are now functioning from an integral perspective, you have the ability to consider all situations, challenges, and experiences from different angles—rejecting none, and holding space for all. Your mind is an incubator of different realities, your heart an accelerator of compassion, your relationships reciprocal containers of care and concern, and your spirit a conduit of connection to the Sacred—including the Self, Others, Mother Earth, and our Omnipotent Source of the All and All.
Your best friends are stillness, peace, love, and freedom—because this is where you find yourself. This is where you examine yourself. This is indeed where you know yourself. And most importantly— this is where you commit to live more abundantly as your authentic self.
You know how to invest, restore, nourish, and renew. Your awareness has grown to realize when unrealistic expectations are surfacing, and your self-acceptance has evolved adequately to lay down the boundaries that will protect against overachievement and superfluous efforts resulting in physical, emotional, mental, social or spiritual pain.
You have become your own best friend, and you are now practicing self-care, towards your body, mind, heart, and soul. And of course, from this solid foundation the payoff is that you are sharing your gifts and talents with clarity, compassion, satisfaction, and joy. You meet every challenge with confidence; you welcome every day; and you rejoice in the abundance of life – the greatest gift ever bestowed upon us spiritual beings having this human experience!
If you desire this life—you deserve it…it is your birth right! Visit us @ to help you manifest your desired life!